Surviving infidelity undoubtedly puts a lot of strain on a marriage, but does an affair really mean that your marriage is over? If you’re considering divorce as your only option, ask yourself the following question: “Does the pain I’m feeling right now justify the...
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What Makes Cheating Spouses Cheat?
Most husbands and wives of cheating spouses overlook the underlying reason that drove their spouse to cheat in the first place. Many “infidelity experts” on the internet these days are offering solutions on how to find PROOF that will expose your spouse or catch them...
18 Shocking Children and Divorce Statistics
I’ve compiled these children and divorce statistics for the “I’ll believe it when I see it” type of people who don’t accept anything as true unless it’s from a credible source or it’s been PROVEN in a convincing study. If you are NOT one of these people, you need to...