Many people ask me “Larry, how can I stop my divorce? My spouse wants a divorce and I want to try to work things out! Is there any hope for us?”
If you’ve let your marriage slip so far down the Secret Path to Divorce that your spouse wants a divorce, I want you to know that there IS still hope for you.
My wife Marsha and I had our share of dark, chaotic years together (27 years to be exact), but because I no longer let my emotions control me like a pinball, helplessly reacting to everything she does and says, we are still married today now over 36 years.
Click the play button below to watch this video that answers the question of “My husband/wife has filed for divorce, how can I stop it?”
I’ve developed a positive system called the Environment Changer program specifically for men and women whose leaving spouse has threatened or has already filed for divorce.
And the single biggest question I receive on a daily basis is…
What it all boils down to is this…
1) Your level of committment to making this marriage work.
( If you’ve already got “one foot on the dock, and the other in the boat”, the stop reading this now because this isn’t for you. Students in my program need to be committed otherwise they’ll give up too soon.)
2) The more troubled the TWO of your childhoods, the longer it will take to repair your marriage.
This is a fact based on all the students that have completed my program and all the couples I’ve worked with over the past 20+ years.
Troubled childhoods create troubled adults.
Troubled adults struggle with their negative emotions. It’s that voice of doubt, fear and worry that adds fuel to divorce. I show students how to shut the switch off and discover how their own childhood “programs” have created the problems in their marriage today.
- If your spouse sees you as the enemy…
- If your spouse is hanging out in bars…
- If your spouse is having an affair…
- If your spouse has seemingly become a different person overnight…
It’s NOT over yet.
You don’t have to be an innocent bystander.
You can lessen the length of your spouses’ midlife crisis and protect your kids from the harmful effects of your spouses’ behavior. You can get your spouse back because this person you’re seeing now, is NOT your spouse.
You know that person you love is in there “somewhere” and deep down inside the two of you still have a connection.
But the pain from your spouses’ past has come to get him or her.
And only YOU can do something about it.
I created a presentation that covers what’s going on with your spouse no matter WHAT the situation is.
In the video, I’ll show you what brought you to this point in your marriage and what you can DO about it.
I hope this answers your questions and gives you a new sense of hope as it has for so many others. I work with men and women everyday just like yourself who are literally transforming their lives.
- They are eliminating their anxiety, fear and feeling overwhelm…
- They feel good about themselves in spite of what’s happening around them…
- Their children are feeling secure in spite of their spouses’ meltdown…
- They are drawing their spouse back by SHOWING, (not saying) that things will be different this time around.
They are drawing their spouse back by SHOWING, (not saying) that things will be different this time around.
After all, even if your spouse did come back to you right now, what are the odds you’d INSTANTLY be able to stop feeling anxious, worried, jealous and resentful at the drop of a dime?
The fact is this. You have to be in pain before you can learn.
Nobody learns anything unless they’re suffering and if you’re ready, you can turn this dark time in your life into something great.
And when you’re ready – I’ll show you how.
If you still have questions about how this works or how it applies to your situation, please give my office a call at 262-397-8766.
End Blaming, Arguing & Trust Issues
If you’re lost, confused and hopeless, but cynical of all the “save the marriage” stuff you’ve seen online, I don’t blame you.
This approach is DRAMATICALLY different from all the other marriage help, techniques and tips out there.
No reverse psychology or mind tricks here. I teach students how to positively affect their spouse simply by changing their own emotional condition.
This is the ONLY thing a leaving spouse responds to because everything else you do, every outward behavior – your spouse views as a threat.